Thursday, June 24, 2010

Running towards SUCCESS with a bag of failures in tow!

Salaaaaaamualaium, it's been awhile since I last posted anything...a looong while! There has been many failed attempts at it, beaten by a busy schedule despite having many issues that I wish to share.

I don't really know if this effort (keeping this blog) will bring any benefit at all because since putting up my first entry, there has been little interest from the "reading community". But I will ignore it now and leave that to HIM, perhaps one day it will be useful, InsyaALLAH.

As usual, teachings extracted from sessions with Ustaz Hafiz and other ulamaks are usually my origin of inspiration and often also events and incidences of life give me ideas to share.

Today I like to talk about how much people change because of success!

Success is good, everyone wants it, strives towards it and builds their lives around attaining in, you get no argument from me on this! But when one becomes too accustom to success, accumulates it and gets addicted to it, there is DANGER! ... it can also destroy you. The hearts becomes tainted! Too much success will make you forget that you have failures and short falls too.  These strings of success WILL get into our head and we become arrogant and defensive to criticism highlighted to us. It leads to inflated ego and builds upon the illusion of our own sense of is full of illusions!

The reality of life is actually managing the illusions it presents..

There has been a lot of these around and this is worrying, even more because it alters a person into another character.  Inflated ego is as subtle as the soft wind blowing the pollen off the flower in spring time. You often cannot see how far the pollen flies and effects the rest, but the reality is, it changes things!

As one goes higher, one needs to be more humble...because those who helped to get you up there are the ones who will be happy to hold you up. Remember that only they will know you as you are before and they will know how to continue to hold you as you like to be held. But if you "change" they will not be familiar with the "new" you and they will not know how to manage this new you. When you decide that they are not relevant anymore, you will lose out even if you think that you will find some other "supporter" will struggle to find the replacement despite your admission that you that's another illusion.

Don't be fearful of failure because it is the foundation to achieving your success.

but do remember too...

"Chase success while carrying your bags of failures and remember those who helped you pack! - rara"