Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hijab...there's more to it than just a cloth covering!

This is dedicated to my wife and my only daughter who shall one day be faced with similar life challenges. I hope this sharing can guide you and replace my yet to be arranged personal face to face “teaching” of this subject matter to both of you. 

In the event of the unfortunate passing of myself without yet a personal "passing" of this knowledge to you, please use this as a reference and may ALLAH swt accept my effort as ibadah and duty over the two important women of my life.

HIJAB-…is a word often misunderstood by many local women (and men too) to just mean “bertudung.”  And even further misconceived is that it is a piece of cloth that covers the head of a female Muslim. Hijab is actually derived from the Arabic word “ha-ja-ba”…yang membawa makna bertudung, tutup, untuk tabir atau lindung.

This is where the error begins and because of this misconceived understanding that has caused great “sins” by Muslim ladies…May ALLAH protect you both from such error and dosa, Ameen

Hijab actually has deep syariat purposes which is beyond just material covering. It has 2 main segments
1-    External Hijab – material covering with cloth, kain atau pakaian.
2-    Internal Hijab  – bersifat takwa dan malu.

Lets take a look into several reference/notes of the AL-QURAN and HADIS.

The fundamental concept of hijab is mentioned is so many places in the QURAN. It goes beyond just “covering”...and is closely knitted with the element of bertudung kerana mengajak seseorang itu bertaqwa. It relates to the calling for Muslims untuk beramal soleh dan menjauhi amal mungkar. What is very clear and generally opinionated by most ulama' is - the hijab in QURAN is NOT just ONLY in the reference to material covering of bertudung dan berjubah. Its is also about the internal covering...which actually makes the main content/purpose of berhijab!

Surah An Nurr -31 makes is very clear about the elementary practices of hijab dan the purpose for it being CALLED by ALLAH swt over those hamba hamba NYA yang mengaku diri mereka beriman….mustahak sekali dalam surah ini yang secara simple nye, mengajak dan menyeru wanita wanita ISLAM menjaga AHLAK mulia dan kehormatan diri.

Hadis Abu Daud ada meriwayatkan bahawa Aisyah r.a. ada menceritakan bagaimana Rasullulah mengajar tentang apa itu aurat seorang wanita ISLAM. In summary, the aurat of a MUSLIM women, as told by our Prophet - must be covering of her whole body except her face and the palms of her hands. It was further described that Muslim women should cover their chest (prevent the sight of the shape of her breast), the back and the front of her neck. For those that do not do as that is above prescribed, "exempt them selves from pleasures of jannah…and incur the wrath of the DIVINE"....yakni mengundang kemurkaan ALLAH swt dan seterusnye mencacatkan barakah dalam segala usaha.

It is also mentioned in the Quran and described by HADIS of Al Qurtubi that the flaunting of shapely parts of the women’s body is HARAM….menunjuk bentuk badan is haram!

Famous Islamic clergy and renown scholar, Sheikh Wahbah Al- Zuhaili (whom I had the opportunity and honor meeting during my trip to SYRIA in 2001 with Ustaz Hafiz) also declared (in his lectures and books) that Muslim women are forbidden to display their shapely natural assets even if it is cover.

Please remember that ALLAH created women to be the companion of men on this earth. They were blessed with attractive and alluring features. Before there was ISLAM, the women folk were often taken advantage of because of their weak physical strength. ISLAM gave honor to women and when it came, most Arab women used the “jilbab” as a “kad pengenalan” that they are now "liberated" from slavery, ataupun sudah merdeka. 

Jadi, pada zaman dulu, bila wanita berjilbab, mereka tidak mudah di ganggu oleh lelaki Arab yang buas (menggatal). Wanita yang tidak berjilbab pula (pada waktu itu) sering di ingatkan sebagai masih hamba abdi dan tidak ber”TUAN”, so they became frequent targets of lustful men.

Zaman sekarang ini, kalau kita lihat, bila seorang wanita yang pada mula nya tidak bertudung, tapi kemudian nye dia bertudung, dia di lihat dengan mulia atas sangkaaan baik yang dia telah mendapat “hidayah” dan ini adalah permulaan untuk mendekati ALLAH. Maka dengan sebab itu, mereka mendapat penghormatan diri dan di muliakan. (Although one can argue until the cows come home about some women _these days - who wear hijab behaving like munafiq, and unfortunately there are plenty of these at the moment, but that’s not the point here)

Maka apabila seorang yang sudah berumah tangga dan di bawah jagaan suami…peradapan berhijab (secara betul) melambangkan kesucian wanita itu dan akhlak diri nya sendiri dalam pendirian dan hubungan nya dengan agama ALLAH – ISLAM.

Another reference to HADIS Rasulullah ada menyembut…
“Wanita itu adalah aurat…maka apabila dia keluar rumah, syaitan menggunggulkan nye (menbuatkan dia nama jelita – bagi menyesatkan umat Nabi)”

There are many other hadis that relates to the chapters pertaining to aurat and this one was related by Abu Hurairah r.a…which mentions that Rasullallah bersabda:
"Ada dua golongan ahli neraka yang beliau khabarkan…iaitu seorang penguasa yang kejam, yang memukul (torture) orang dalam penguasaan nya dan yang kedua adalah wanita wanita yang berpakaian tetapi telanjang yang cenderung kepada perbuatan maksiat dan mengajak manusia lain membuat maksiat dengan kecendurungan itu (yakni dengan penampilan mereka itu) ….mereka ini bukan saja tidak akan masuk syurga malah tidak akan dapat bau keharuman syurga."

Dalam kesimpulan hadis ini, ada menyebut jenis jenis wanita ini termasuk mereka yang menutup sebahagian tetapi mendedahkan sebahagian yang lain untuk menarik perhatian kepada diri nya….dan juga mereka yang berpakaian nipis sampai ianye menampakan warna kulit nye…dan lain lain (sila kaji)

The problem today is that ramai yang sudah silap anggap tentang concept hijab. A narrowed view of hijab to mean “material covering” is completely misguided and out of the ISLAMIC purpose as defined in QURAN and HADIS. Its concept encompasses the external and internal covering designed to elevate the honor of MUSLIM women as oppose to the misguided western thinking of taking women back to the dark ages…or often being labeled as – OLD FASHION!

It is also an important initial steps towards attaining proximity to ALLAH swt and the cleansing of the QALB. Observance of this virtue for MUSLIMATS are much encourage to attain DIVINE Blessings. 

The Syaitan is winning in his attempt to trick many modern women with the false believe that….”I-have-tudung-therefore-I-have-fulfilled-the-requirment-of-hijab”…. PLEASE BEWARE OF THIS LINE OF THINKING - my dear wife and daughter.

Actually, there are more to share than what is presented here but I hope at least this will ignite our senses about our responsibilities to HIM. Due to my lack of knowledge on the subject matter I therefore cannot possibly be the best teacher but as a person conscious of his own shortfalls and accountable for that own shortfalls in duty, I shudder to think IF that I have not attempted any efforts to execute my role as as HUSBAND and FATHER with this PERINGATAN!

I sincerely hope this reminder to both of you to fulfill your own duties for the sake of our AGAMA, ALLAH receives DIVINE Blessings and most importantly semoga kamu berdua terselamat dari di tipu syaitan.

I do not mean to be righteous about the ISLAMIC teaching over you for I am consciously aware of my own inadequacies and poor implementation of my own duties as his ummah let alone as a HUSBAND and FATHER…but it should not prevent me from reminding you both anyway.

Marilah kita teruskan usaha untuk sentiasa muhasabah diri untuk memperbaiki dan mengubati penyakit hati yang ada kepada setiap insan.

InsyaALLAH....perjalanan kita untuk mendekati diri kepada YA KHALIQ berkesudahan dengan baik...AMEEN