Thursday, July 1, 2010

Isra' mikraj @ SHAH ALAM Section 19

I had just return from majlis menyambut isra' mikraj dan maulid at Masjid Ubudiyah section 19, Shah Alam.

I left early because it had been raining this evening and I knew the traffic would be bad and I didn't want to be caught in it. ...WRONG!..I did get caught! The thing is, I left the house initially thinking this event was in Section 19, SUBANG JAYA...I don't why, but I thought I had read the sms broadcast-ed from YAJ as such. After battling the traffic to get there, I realized that was not the place when there was no usual crowd, more evident when the parking lots were CLEAR! and then I read the sign board in front of the read MASJID ABU BAKAR As Siddiq and not MASJID UBUDIYAH!.....DING!!!! only then I remember it is at SHAH ALAM!...o boy!

I braved the traffic again to get there but had trouble locating the MASJID. When I did find it, it was already in the middle of the program. ALHAMDULILLAH!

Ustaz was in his usual element tonight. The topic was bout isra' mikraj but he interspersed it with other reminding issues. I always feel very lonely when I go to these function especially when the topics are so relevant and something I wish my family members would have the chance to listen. I will try to convey them here which is the purpose of me keeping this blog any way but I believe it is not just the news and that they will be missing when they dont come, but the barakah of the majlis.

Today Ustaz, reminded us that we are too engrossed with our worldly affairs so much so that we put up a fight and defend our so called rights over our material things but we take our responsibilities to HIM very lightly. As an example, our solat is done as brief as we can possible because we rush ourselves to end it so that we can attend to our worldly affairs again. This is so true to some of us, me included and I bring this reminder to my family members. that ... 

"ramai orang ingat kesenangan dunia akan dapat membawa ketenangan...but sebenar nya, yang mereka rasa ketenangan dengan harta dunia itu ialah tipu daya shaitan. Yang di cari ketenangan dalam hati itu sebenarnya tidak perlu langsung kepada apa apa benda dunia..jika kita terasa yang kita masuk dalam golongan tertipu ini, maka cepat cepatlah sedar, jika tidak selaput itu akan mengelapkan lagi hati dan merosakan nya dan bila perangai kita berubah atas sebab itu, kita masuk lagi dalam tertipu"

Ustaz kata sekarang ini, banyak anak anak muda dan juga orang orang tua terlalu leka dengan dunia, terlalu bangga dengan kejayaan mereka. Mereka fikir yang ALLAH telah memberkati mereka dengan kejayaan dunia ini...tetapi boleh mungkin kejayaan ini menjauhkan kita dari ALLAH dan bukan yang sebalik nya.

These messages hit close to home because, my family needs to be reminded of this...often! I am scared and sadden that sometime I feel helpless when I cannot advise my them of this for fear that they will not accept it. I don't like to get into disputes and because of that I always "step-away" and "keep-out". but I do realize this is not the best way to get to them. InsyaALLAH, I hope one day it will.

During the event of isra' mikraj...RASULLULAH is given the chance to "ask" from HIM, but he didnt because his humbleness is based on the principle that, "who am I to ask ALLAH for anything?"

The thing is HE has always and nver failed to is rather shameful, one should think that, after being given plenty, you ask some more!...

Here, Rasullulah leaves all matter of himself to ALLAH...and this is our teaching to be learn. We must leave all matter of our own affairs to HIM...but after we have expense d our own mortal efforts!

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