Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zyra and Danial's Birthday Part 2

Alhamdulillah for the children that you have given us....

Zyra and Danial's Birthday - Part 1

Here's one for you guys to keep forever and ever....!!!
this video taken in Dec 1993...

full of wonderful memories...

Friday, April 27, 2012

Its been awhile....

Havent been here for so long...i dont think anyone reads this anymore.

O well...!!!

I'll continue to pen away....there has been many thoughts that I wish to record, some in the form of my candid thoughts of things and events and some in the form of advices meant for my ELLENAR family members.

Its been too long actually and some of these thoughts have staled in relevance but potent still if one seeks thendeep meaning it implies.

Early this week I found out I am officially a "B"...! I was quite surprise by the calmness that enveloped me when this knowledge came in being. I guess I kind of expected it coming for so many months already and it being confirm didnt shock me.

I was in a storm of emotions and thoughts about his status many many months ago. But ALHAMDULILLAH HE has given me much sereness within me - to 'pocket' this trauma and move on. Most importantly, I am most grateful to HIM for providing help to me in the form of a super woman, my wife. I feel sorry for her for having to put up with this.

And HE has given me another BIG reason to stay strong - my 3 wonderful children! I couldn't think of a better family than them!

But somehow with the overwhelming DIVINE assistance, I cant help feeling that I am much of a burden to them especially for the Mrs. Cnat help thinking my absence will makemthings better for her and them. But ALLAH has HIS plans for us all. I submit HIM.

This coming month is going to be a havoc month for Mrs. R as her event approaches near.
My prayers and good wishes for success of that. I'll just make sure I stand far enough away from troubling her and let her be. I have advised the children the same too.

Alhamdullilah, I have my majlis taklim and usrah sessions that keep me occupied.

This coming Monday, I have a session with Jabatan at Pertama Kompleks...with Puan Gan. will be good. Thanks to Azlan for letting me be 'employed' by his company to work on the passport release.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Selawat 10 dan selawat Jalaliyah

Received ijazah from Kiay Ahmad Jamhuri at Surau At Taufiqiyyah, Kajang on 7th Feb 2012

Niat Pernikahan

Imam Shiekh Ali bin Abi Bakar As -Sakran r.a. berkata tentang sebaik baik NIAT bila berhajat untuk melakukan pernikahan yang di galakkan untuk mereka yang inginkan balasan baik dari ALLAH TA'ALA...

"Aku niat dalam pernikahan dan perkahwinan ini kerana cinta kepada ALLAH Ta'ala serta berusaha meramaikan anak untuk mengekalkan mahkluk manusia di muka bumi Allah Ta'ala dan niat cinta pada Rasullulah s.a.w. serta memperbanyakan kebanggaannya, sebagaimana sabda Baginda s.a.w." Barangsiapa kamu serta perbankyakan keturunan kerana sesungguhnya aku bangga dengan banyaknya kamu daripada umat yang terdahulu"

" Aku berniat berkahwin dan apa sahaja yang berkaitan dengannya dari perkataan dan perbuatan agar mendapat barakat daripada doa anak yang solih dan meminta syafaat dari anak yang mati kecil jika anak itu mati sebelumku. Aku niat berkahwin ini agar terhidnar dari godaan syaitan, memecahkan keinginan yang sangat kuat, menghindarkan malapetaka yang menimpa, memejam mata dari segala hal yang di haramkan oleh ALLAH Ta'ala serta gangguan was was  dan aku berniat juga menjaga kemaluanku dari perbuatan yang di keji"

"Aku niat berkahwin ini untuk menenangkan diri dengan memgembirakan pasangan (suami/isteri) di dalam pergaulan dengannya memandang dan juga cumbuan cumbuan dengan nya, aku berniat juga untuk menyenangkan hati dan menambahkan ketaqwaan dalam ibadah, juga berniat mententeramkan hati ketaqwaan dalam ibadah, juga berniat mententeramkan hati dari perkara yang berkait dengan dapur, dari memasak, mengemas, menyapu, menghamparkan tikar, membasuh punggin mangkuk serta menyediakan keperluan kehidupan. aku beniat bernikah juga untuk melawan hawa nafsu dan melatihkan nya dengan penjagaan, pengawasan supaya dapat melaksanakan kewajipan keluarga, sabar rerhadap tingkah laku, sabar dan menahan diri dari gangguan mereka berusuaha mencari rezeki yang halal untuk keluarga serta berniat melaksanakan perintah Allah ta'ala dalam mendidik anak serta meminta kekuatan dan penjagaan dari NYA dan memohon taufiq NYA dan penyerahan diri kepada hadrat illahi dan aku berniat untuk kesemua yang di sebut tadi kerana ALLAH ta'ala. Aku berniat juga seperti ini dan juga selainny adari perbuatan dan perkataan yang aku lakukan dan katakan didalam nikah ini kerana Allah ta'ala serta aku berniat seperti niat orang orang yang salih dan ulama yang mengamalkan ilmunya.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Saying Thank you...or NOT...

We are often encouraged to help others when they have come to you for assistance. Even better if your initiation to help (anyone) is not derived from their request, meaning it was initiated solely out of your own wish and self intended drive to extend a hand. 

However, if ever in such a scenario, kindly be advised that you execute your angelic virtues without any expectation for return of gratitude. 

Well, I think because you will more often than not be disappointed when you expect appreciation from mortals. 
They just don't do that anymore these days. Its sad really but this is the unfortunate situation of present day human values. order to protect our fragile hearts just go one along with attending your good intentions without any expectations from mortal gratitude. Just leave the rewards from the DIVINENESS. HE will fix your pay back. After all, believe me, it is a much sweeter feeling of satisfaction when you do it this it for no mortal gratitude.Simply roll out your effort of assistance out of sheer sincerity of the heart.

We are often troubled by the present society's lack of manners in dispersing gratitude. Sadly, most of them take it for granted that it is their right. They often walk away without feeling of guilt of this snobbish behaviour.

I often wonder why is it so difficult for some people to even utter a two syllable expression..."THANK YOU"
If two is too much, then that same expression can be conveyed with just ONE syllable...."THANKS!"

Some often simply make it a lip service with no soul behind the utterance....its as dry a a granola without milk!

For this reason, one should never expect it when rolling out efforts for other...just let it be...if they say it, good for them, if they don't say it...don't let it eat you up! Its not your lost, infact you gain more from the DIVINE rewards for your effort and you gain also for the "feel-good" factor to help other.

Having said this....on our part...DONT be like them...DO say your thanks when you are rendered any kindly assistance because to be thankful is to be THANKFUL and GRATEFUL to HIM.