Sunday, June 26, 2016


*1) Tahiyyatul Wudhu*
• After Wudhu.
• 2 Rakaats.
_Benefit: Entitled to enter Jannat._

*2) Tahiyyatul Masjid*
• Upon entering Masjid & before sitting down.
• 2 Rakaats.
_Benefit: To honour ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل_

*3) Ishraaq*
• Performed 15 minutes after sunrise.
• 2 or 4 Rakaats.
_Benefit: Thawaab of one Hajj & Umrah_

*4) Salaatul Chaasht*
• Some part of day (± 10:00am) has passed until Zawaal.
• 2; 4; 6; 8; 10 or 12 Rakaats.
_Benefit: Counted among the devotees_

*5) Awwabeen Salaat*
• After Maghrib Salaat.
• Minimum 6 and Maximum 20 Rakaats.
_Benefit: Sins forgiven even as much as the foam on the ocean_

*6) Salaatul Taubah*
• When the need arises.
• 2 Rakaats.
_Benefit: If certainly truthful and sincere ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل forgives_

*7) Salaatul Istikhaarah*
•may be read at any permissable time
• 2 Rakaats.
_Benefit: asking for the best decision from ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل_ 

*8) Salaatul Hajaat*
• In time of need.
• 2 Rakaats.
_Benefit: When one is in need or in difficulty_

*9) Saffar Salaat*
• Performed at home before setting out on a journey.
• 2 Rakaats.
_Benefit: A person has not left anything better at home then these 2 Rakaats_

*10) Salaatul Tasbeeh*
• Any permitted time.
• 4 Rakaats.
_Benefit: A precious gift and valuable present and  ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل forgives all minor, major, intentional, unintentional and hidden sins_ 

*11) Tahajjud Salaat*
• After Esha, later part of night.
• Minimum of 2 Rakaats and Maximum of 12 Rakaats.
_Benefit: Glorify ﷲ͜عَزَّوَجَــــل_         

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