Sunday, October 24, 2010

Minhajul Abidin hari AHAD...

Salaam semua,
I just returned from SUNDAY ngaji at Jenderam. I went alone today, everyone else has their own agenda. Hopefully I will have company next time and may it be regular.

MINHAJUL ABIDIN...kita hari AHAD pagi.

In one posting several days back, I wrote about "COVERING WELL.." today there was some more piece of information that is worth sharing. New ilmu that should be shared with all.

In a hadith yang di riwayatkan oleh Uhsami bin Zaid waktu zaman RASULLULAH, ...Uhsami related that he was given a gift of a particular cloth by the Prophet. Uhsami was very happy with the gift and wanted to share the gift with his wife. When Rasullulah heard that Uhsami wanted to share the gift with his wife, our Prophet adviced Uhsami to inform his wife that she must have a second inner layer of cloth when she wears the cloth from our Prophet's gift because it is "jarang" dan dapat melihatkan bentuk badan nye. Sesungguh, Rasullulah told Uhsami, "Pastikan ahli keluarga kamu yang wanita kamu berpakaian tidak melanggar hukum, kerana sia sia ibadah mereka kepada ALLAH...HARAM itu  adalah pada hukumnye, tapi yang lebih menyedihkan lagi adalah kemurkaan ALLAH adalah yang menghalang keberkatan keatas mereka". Mereka tertipu dengan perasaan gembira dan suka mereka itu dalam pemakaian busana mereka, tetapi sesungguhnye gembira dan suka itu hanya lah kepada makhluk lain...keMURKAAN ALLAH di abaikan.

USTAZ shared that ramai wanita sekarang yang memakai tudung tapi tidak paham hukum menutup aurat. Incidentally, what I shared in my last posting was repeated without plan in today's ilmu. USTAZ kata yang pakai tudung tapi aurat kuilt lain terdedah, baik lah tak payah pakai. Jadi bahan cerca sahaja...atas tutup tapi lengan terdedah...atas tutup, seluar ketat!

Kalau Rasullulah telah menegur Uhsami dalam melindungi "bentuk badan" dari pandangan ajnabi...apa lagi dalam hal dedahan kulit. Dalam solat pun, ramai wanita lupa yang telekong nye mesti cukup tebal untuk tidak nampak warna kulit. Kalau tidak sia sia...

Peringatan dalam berbusana untuk muslimat,...wangi wangian yang di pakai oleh muslimah dan apabila bauan nye terhidu oleh ajnabi...dosa nye sama dengan BERZINA!...Auzubillah!

Another topic extracted from todays session...tajdrik dan asbab!

Ramai di antara kita, apabila membuat sesuatu, sering memikirkan tentang usaha itu lah yang mendatang sebab (asbab). But actually, dalam kebenaran ma'rifatullah, mengusahakan sesuatu adalah sepatutnya atas fahaman tajdriq (iaitu ALLAH sahaja lah yang menentukan segalanye).

Banyak yang di kongsikan oleh Ustaz berhubung dengan bab ini dengan menceritakan tentang ahli sufi. Terlebih dahulu, harus di ingat, cerita ahli ahli sufi seperti yang di dalam kitab ini, cannot be shared to the general audience. In additition, ia bukan untuk kupasan orang orang biasa. Ia nye hanya bagi mereka mereka yang "dekat" dengan jalan menuju ALLAH.

The reason he mentioned this is because, most stories about ahli ahli sufi are "out-of -this-world" where the normal rational cannot accept.

Dalam bab tajdrik, yang mana ianya menjadi amalan biasa ahli ahli sufi ..."membuat sesuatu usaha dengan hanya memikirkan yang hujungnya usaha tu adalah milik kuasa dan jaminan ALLAH swt sahaja."..keyakinan penuh keatas ini lah yang membezakan orang yang sungguh teguh IMAN nye kepada ALLAH dengan mereka mereka yang lemah iman nye. Kepada yang tidak kuat hati nye kepada kepercayaan ini, ia nya sentaisa memikikan "asbab"/ sebab dan akibat.
"Dengan segelas air dan sepinggan nasi, kita bule hilang dahaga dan hilang lapar.".... many of the common folks will only stop at that thought.

But for the those of elevated status, a status more proximate in "presence" to the DIVINE, a status we all should strive to achieve...the glass of water and the plate of rice is not the reason for the lost of thirst and hunger. In fact, many more glasses of water and more plates of rice will not necessarily achieve the same outcome...if YA RABB does not WILL it to. Simultaneously, NO GLASS and NO RICE can still achieve fullness in appetite!

Bagi ahli ahli sufi yang "maqam" nye tinggi, mereka langsung tidak memikirkan tentang sebab dan akibat. Dalam pada itu, Ustaz menceritakan tentang beberapa waliAllah yang tidak makan atau minum selama beberapa bulan. Di dalam satu kisah yang di riwayatkan dalam kitab Minhajul Abidin, seorang ahli sufi telah biasa dengan tidak makan dan tidak minum selama tiga hari, At the end of 3 days, he will get his portion of his ration from ALLAH. And again another 3 days will past without anymore food or drinks and again this continues for a years.

But one day, the third day arrives without any of his ration and it goes on for the forth day, and the fifth and so on. He began to worry...and this worry led him to start his journey to "search" for his ration as he feels so much of thirst and hunger. As he continues his search...he was "spoken" to and that "voice' asked him...YA ABU SAID, adakah kamu tidak tajdrik?...adakah kamu masih berasbab?"...

As soon as he "heard" this "voice"...his came into resentment and guilt of his lost of FAITH in HIM for his supplies and ration. He immediately became less hungry and less thirsty and left the outcome of all his worldly demands to HIM alone as ABU SAID conitnued ibadah as before. He was then deemed to have return to his tracks of tasawwuf!

Jangan hairan dengan kelainan atau keajaiban...kerana ALLAH swt itu TUHAN yang MAHAAAAA AGUNG dan MAHAAAAAA BERKUASA. (He stressed the word maha)

Pak Shiekh reminds us also...perjalanan tasawwuf tidak lari dari ... riadah wal mujahaddah - meaning, training dan mujahaddah. He gave example of a military officer in training. The officer is trained to live in a jungle for days without food and water and at the end of the training, he will come out as a well trained survivor ready for many other types hardship during battle assignments.

A "travelling" murid, i.e. a murid who wishes to travel towards HIM...will need to be trained too by his mursyid. In addition, his mursyid cannot train him without the syllabus of tariqat.



  1. read this ! very interesting and trie ( once we think about it ) sometimes even after effort put in executing something, if its not meant to happen, it wont happen because its not His will to want it to happen and thus, we should always bare in mind that it always STARTS and ENDS with His will Everything, works that way. All we can ever do is just keep giving and trying our best and the REST will be up to Him. inshaAllah !

    :) thank you daddy! <3

  2. yes, iya...the 'effort' part by us mortals is the "riadah' i.e training and the "mujahaddah" is the hardship we have to endure. When we put in the effort over some agenda and it does not come out the way we mortals want it to come out, it is often hard to accept...but it is really this hardship that is the mujahaddah.

    So put in the effort as it is compulsory for us all and give it your best because ISLAM is just that...THE BEST!
