Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Excepted from "Purification of the Heart"

"...if athletes include as part of their training the visualization of their sport and mentally picturing themselves going through all the steps required for success, how then can believers fail to visualize what is more important and consequential than sport ? 

People of spiritual elevation prepare themselves psychologically for the ultimate journey. 

Saidinaa Ali ibn abi Talib , may ALLAH be pleased with him said , " PEOPLE ARE ASLEEP. WHEN THEY DIE, THEY WAKE UP"

Many of the righteous forebears of Muslim civilization stressed that one should visualize the states of death and the Afterlife: their bodies being washed and prepared for burial, being lowered into the grave, having soil cover them, being questioned by the angels, climbing out of the grave on the day of resurrection, and being called to stand in judgement before ALLAH, The Exalted. 

In fact, some of them of them actually place themselves in open grave to feel with greater intensity what awaits them. This may seem like a morbid exercise, but it is effective training that adds spring to one's life and enthusiasm to work for the Hereafter, it's peace and bliss. 

Spiritual masters have long said that if a person is struggling with his appetites, this exercise is a good way of controlling them. Reflecting on death brings sobriety to one's state."

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