Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sahabat, bacalah sejenak...

Diriwayatkan, bahwa : 
Apabila penghuni Syurga telah masuk ke dalam Syurga, lalu Mereka tidak menemukan Sahabat Sahabat mereka yang selalu bersama mereka dahulu di Dunia.

Mereka bertanya tentang Sahabat Mereka kepada اللّهُ سبحانه و تعالى ..

"Yaa Rabb.. 
Kami tidak melihat Sahabat-sahabat kami yang sewaktu di Dunia Solat bersama kami, Puasa bersama kami dan berjuang bersama kami."

Maka اللّهُ سبحانه و تعالى berfirman: 
"Pergilah ke neraka, lalu keluarkan Sahabat Sahabatmu yang di hatinya ada Iman walaupun hanya sebesar zarrah" (HR. Ibnul Mubarak dalam kitab "Az-Zuhd").

Al-Hasan Al-Bashri berkata: "Perbanyakkanlah Sahabat Sahabat Mu'minmu, kerana Mereka memiliki Syafa'at pada hari kiamat".

Ibnul Jauzi pernah berpesan kepada Sahabat Sahabatnya sambil menangis: 
"Jika kalian tidak menemukan aku nanti di Syurga bersama kalian, maka tolonglah bertanya kepada اللّهُ تعالى  tentang aku:
"Wahai Rabb Kami.. 
Hamba-Mu fulan, sewaktu di dunia selalu mengingatkan kami tentang ENGKAU.. 
Maka masukkanlah dia bersama kami di Syurga-Mu"

Mudah mudahan dengan ini, aku telah  Mengingatkanmu Tentang اللّهُ تعالى ..
Agar aku dapat besertamu kelak di Syurga & Redha-Nya..
آمِيّنْ.  يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ   

Ya Allah  يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ  ... 
Aku Memohon kepada-Mu.. Kurniakanlah kepadaku Sahabat-Sahabat yang selalu mengajakku untuk Tunduk Patuh & Taat Kepada Syariat-Mu.. 

Kekalkanlah persahabatan kami hingga kami bertemu di akhirat dengan-Mu...

والْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Ar Ribath Al Ukhuwah
Carilah banyak sahabat yg dpt menunjuk kamu kpd   kebaikan & syurga

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Some sharing..

Org pertama cipta telefon ? alexander graham bell pertama tulis bismillah ? ????? anak kalau tanya mampus tak dpt simpan nota nih....

30 ORANG YANG PERTAMA DALAM ISLAM -----------------------------------------------

1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 

2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS.

3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS.

4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS.

5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS.

6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS).

7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW.

8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar As Siddiq RA.

9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA.

10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al-Hasan bin Ali RA.

11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA.

12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA.

13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita : Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA.

14. Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA.

15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA.

16. Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan adzan: Bilal bin Rabah RA.

17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA.

18. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW : Tamim Ad-dary RA.

19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam RA.

20. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW : Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA.

21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA.

22. Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafei RH.

23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam: Ali bin Abi Tholib RA.

24. Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA.

25. Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH.

26. Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA.

27. Orang yang pertama menghafal Al-Qur'an selepas Rasulullah SAW : Ali bn Abi Tholib RA. 

28. Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH.

29. Orang yang pertama digelar Al-Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA.

30. Orang yang pertama masuk ke dalam syurga : Nabi Muhammad SAW. ✔ 

Rugilah x SHARE sbab ianya 1 peluang dkwah yg MUDAH. . .jOm share !!! sebarkan. . .ni pOn ilmu jgk. . .
Life of a believer

When you are hurt by the people who share blood relations with you, recall Yusuf [alayhi salaam] who was also betrayed by his brothers.

When you find your parents opposing you (in deen) recall Ibraheem [alayhi salaam] who was made to jump into a blazing fire by his father.

When you are mocked and abused by your own relatives just because you adopted deen over duniya, recall Rasul Allah [sallalhu alaihi wa sallam] who faced the same.

When you are stuck into some problem and find no way out recall Yunus [alayhi salaam] who was stuck inside the belly of a whale.

When you fall ill and your whole body cries with pain, recall Ayoob [alayhi salaam] who was more ill than you.

When you see some physical fault in yourself, recall Moosa [alayhi salam] who could not properly speak.

When someone slanders you, recall Ay'esha [radiallahu anha] who was also slandered throughout the city.

When you feel lonely recall how Adam [alayhi salaam] felt when he was created alone at first.

When you can't see any logic in what's going on and your heart asks why this is happening, recall Nooh [alayhi salaam] who built the biggest ship without questioning.

Subhan Allah! Allah put all those great personalities in trial so that the generations to follow may learn a lesson in patience and perseverance. May Allah swt include us among His patient and grateful servants. Aameen.

Friday, September 27, 2013

7 Du'a

 "As salam 'alaikum everyone, 

Here are 7 selected dua's from the Quran and Sunnah that would be in the best interest of every Muslim to recite on a regular basis especially on these  special last few night of Ramadhan.

It would be ideal to print this list (or have it in your phone) and keep it handy. 

For your convenience, included here is the Arabic, English transliteration, and English translation.

I pray Allah accepts our du'a and receive us amongst those who are forgiven and pardoned in this month of Ramadan and may we enter Jannah al firdaws in the hereafter. 

للّهُـمَّ إِنِّي أَعْوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الهَـمِّ وَ الْحُـزْنِ، والعًجْـزِ والكَسَلِ والبُخْـلِوالجُـبْنِ، وضَلْـعِ الـدَّيْنِ وغَلَبَـةِ الرِّجال

Allahumma inni ‘audhubika min al-hammi wal huzani,wal 'ajzi wal kasali, wal bukhli wal jubni, wa dala'ad-dayni wa ghalabatal-rijâl.

O Allah, I take refuge in You from anxiety and sorrow, weakness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of debts and from being over powered by men.

رَبَّنَا آتِنَا فِيالدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Rabbana aatina fid-dunya hassanatawn,wa fil aakhirati hassanatawn, wa'qina ‘adhaab an-naar

Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the hell Fire. 2:201

رَبِّ اجْعَلْنِي مُقِيمَالصَّلَاةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِي ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَاءِ
رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لِيوَلِوَالِدَيَّ وَلِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَوْمَ يَقُومُ الْحِسَابُ

Rabbi j’alnee muqeem as-salati wa min dhuriyyati. Rabbana, wa taqabbal dua’. Rabbanaghfir li wa li walidayya wa lil mu’mineena yawma yaqoom ul-hisaab

My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. OurLord, and accept my supplication. OurLord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is established. 14:40-41

 اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أسْـأَلُـكَ العَـفْوَوَالعـافِـيةَ في الدُّنْـيا وَالآخِـرَة ، اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أسْـأَلُـكَالعَـفْوَ وَالعـافِـيةَ في ديني وَدُنْـيايَ وَأهْـلي وَمالـي ، اللّهُـمَّاسْتُـرْ عـوْراتي وَآمِـنْ رَوْعاتـي ، اللّهُـمَّ احْفَظْـني مِن بَـينِ يَدَيَّوَمِن خَلْفـي وَعَن يَمـيني وَعَن شِمـالي ، وَمِن فَوْقـي ، وَأَعـوذُ بِعَظَمَـتِكَأَن أُغْـتالَ مِن تَحْتـي

Allahumma inni as'aluka al-‘afwa wal ‘aafiyata fid dunya wal aakhira. Allahumma inni as-'aluka al ‘afwa wal Aafiyata fee deeni wa dunyaya wa ahli wa maali. Allahumma ustur ‘awrati wa Aamin raw’ati. Allahumma ahfadhnee min bayni yadayya min khalfi wa ‘an yameeni wa ‘an shimaali wa min fawqi wa a’oodhu bi ‘adhmatika an aghtaala min tahti.

"OAllah, I ask You for pardon and well-being in this life and the next. O Allah,I ask You for pardon and well-being in my religious and worldly affairs, and my family and my wealth. O Allah, veil my weaknesses and set at ease my dismay. O Allah, preserve me from the front and from behind and on my right and on my left and from above, and I take refuge with You lest I be swallowed up by the earth."

اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَسْأَلُـكَ عِلْمـاً نافِعـاً وَرِزْقـاً طَيِّـباً ،وَعَمَـلاً مُتَقَـبَّلاً
Allahuma inni as-aluka‘ilman nafi’an wa rizqan tayyiban wa ‘amalan mutaqaballa
"O Allah, I ask You for knowledge which is beneficial and sustenance which is good, and deeds which are acceptable. [to be said after giving salaam for the fajr prayer]"

اللّهُـمَّ أَعِـنِّي عَلـى ذِكْـرِكَ وَشُكْـرِك ، وَحُسْـنِ عِبـادَتِـك

Allahuma a’inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni‘ibadatik
"O Allah, help me to remember You, to thank You, and to worship You in the best of manners."

اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَسْأَلُـكَ الجَـنَّةَ وأََعوذُ بِـكَ مِـنَ الـنّار
Allahuma inni as-aluka al-jannata wa a’udhubika min an-naar.

"O Allah, I ask You to grant me Paradise and I take refuge in You from the Fire."

Please do share to maximize your reward and benefit!",

The Effects of Allah's Remembrance

Let us make full use of our time...

The only regret that the people of Paradise will have is - idle time that passes by in which they did not remember Allah. 

If the believer remembers Allah with a heart full of veneration, Allah will remember him with mercy and kindness: "So remember ME and I will remember you" 

When a person is tested with challenges and hardship, it becomes a cleansing excercise for his heart (qalb) and it improves that person’s inner state and his relationship with their Creator. 

The more humble and repentant the person is, the more powerful the effect of their remembrance of HIM will be. 

If a person’s heart is frequently connected to the hearts of those who often keeps in rememberance of the Creator and that they come from the chains of connection that links back to the Chosen One - Prophet Muhammadﷺ, the Divine gift will insyallah be greater. 

It is recommended that we frequently gather to celebrate the rememberance of Ya Khaliq.  

While it is not wrong to make your dzikirs in solitude but Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: 

“It is better to sit in the company of a group of people who are remembering Allah during these two period:
1-after the dawn prayer until the sun rises & 
2-`Aṣr until the sun sets 
...than to free four slaves from the descendants of Ismā`īl.

Wallahu alam...

Pesanan Hazrat Sultan Ibrahim Adham

Pernah di riwayatkan bahawa seorang ahli sufi Hazrat Sultan Ibrahim Adham r.a di tanya bagaimana nak membezakan antara orang yang bijak mengurus diri dengan agama nya dan orang yang merosakkan diri dan merugikan agama yang ada pada nya. Beliau menjawab dengan ada nya 5 tabiat orang yang bijaksana.

1- Bila orang lain sibuk dengan hal hal dunia dan kenikmatan nya, orang yang bijak akan menyibukan diri dengan hal hal akhirat, dan beriman dengan janji Allah.

2- Bila orang lain sibuk dengan menjaga zahir (jasmani) nya dan kemahuan nafsu nya, orang yang bijak akan sibuk dengan batin (rohani) dan pertahan kesucian nya. 

3-Bila orang lain sibuk membina bangunan besar dan rumah tempat tinggal mewah, orang yang bijak akan 'membina' kubur nya dengan memperbanyakkan amalan amalan yang dapat memastikan kubur nya akan luas, selesa dan terang dengan cahaya amalan dan sedekah nya.

4- Bila orang lain sibuk dengan menceritakan aib orang lain , orang yang bijak akan muhasabah kelemahan sendiri.

5- Bila orang lain sibuk dengan keinginan untuk mendekati orang orang besar dan berpengaruh di dunia ini, orang bijak akan sibuk dengan usaha, ibadah untuk mendekati an diri kepada ALLAH swt. 

Sheikh Nazim said....

But our nafs is still sleeping

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Lord of the heavens, the Creator of all existence. Everything in existence He created. Anytime He wants to take it all away, He can. Therefore, He is the Mighty (al-Aziz), the Glorious. No one can stand in front of Him. No one can be victorious against Him. Yes? No power can stop Him. All power originates with Him, Don't suppose that something He gave to you works for you. No. All works for Him. He is absolutely victorious. 

When is religion alive? This must be an important point for everyone to know. We are living in a time of different ways of thinking. There are so many different ideas and schools of thought, because our egos make themselves out to be a prophet or to be a most important person, or to be the first of those who may be pointed out by people, "This is the one." This is a great, heavy thing that is put upon a person. It is sufficient as a test or an examination from God Almighty for a person to be pointed out by people that is such-and-such a person. But our ego, our animal soul (nafs) now wants to be pointed to by hands, by fingers, that that is that person. This is the hobby of our egos. But our ego, our animal soul is still sleeping. If it can find a chance, it wants to be the first. Truly, each an ego is waiting to find a chance to be Pharaoh or a Nimrod or a Nero or any tyrant from among tyrants. Don't imagine that our egos are now very quiet, sitting. No! They may deceive you; that is the characteristic, the well-known characteristic, of egos. 

God Almighty says, "Truly the animal soul (nafs) impels toward evil" (13:53) (inna-n-nafsa la-ammaratun bis-sou). When he says, "ammaratun," it is exaggeration - so much! You can never imagine what your ego may command, may order you to do - such bad, such bad, such bad things! Everyone's ego! 

That is how, from the time of Prophet Joseph (as) from his mouth, through his sayings, God Almighty speaks and teaches. God Almighty, in His Divine way, is still teaching people, speaking of the past and instructing future people, listening people. Joseph (as) was a prophet and he had an ego. All the prophets, peace be upon them all, have an ego, but they can command it. They are kings of their egos and their egos are slaves to them. That is the difference between ourselves and prophets and saints. We are slaves to our egos. The king's Throne, our hearts, we leave to our ego, saying to it, "You should be here. You can command us," and we say to it, "I am your slave." God Almighty is warning people, because if you put your ego on the throne of your territory, your body, no doubt its orders will be the worst. What is it going to say to you? If it can find the chance to sit on the throne of Pharaoh, then it is going to order you the worst things, saying, "Oh people, you are my slaves, you are My servants, and I am your Lord!" Yes? Anything incorrect in this? It is correct. God Almighty says that our egos order us to do the worst things. 

Therefore, in our time, in this 20th century whose end we are reaching (the last quarter is passing away and we are going through to the 21st century), now people have found such freedom that before no one could dream of such a thing, of such freedom. If your ancestors, O Londoners, were to awaken, coming from cemeteries, they would first cut off your heads. They would say, "What is this?" People with no shame, living in this country? Who are these people? Where have they come from?" Yes - they would fight the people living in our time, in London, and also everywhere else, not only in London. Because we are in London now we are saying this, but even in Turkey, if the Ottomans came, they would fight the people living in Turkey now; in Arabia they would fight them, also. In every kind of a country, from East to West, if the previous inhabitants of those territories came, they would fight the people who are now living on earth because they would say, "What is this? What is this ignorance among people, what is this immodesty?" 

We are so proud that civilization has reached the peak of freedom. Still people are asking for more freedom. What is that freedom? To make a throne for everyone and to put him on it, making him sit and say, "I am your Lord. Come to me," everyone declaring that he is the Lord of this world and of the worlds. That is what people now want of freedom, so that no one can command them - the Lord of the heavens cannot command them. They can order anything, they can do anything. 

Yet if I say that now everyone claims to be like a prophet, it is still a lower position. But our egos never want to be lower; they want to be higher. Someone told me a story which shows our time's characteristics, how our egos go on. A person went to look around a mental hospital. One patient said, "I am a prophet. I am unknown but still I am a prophet." Then, when he began shouting so much, there was another one sitting in a high place, with a long beard, calling, "What's the matter? What are you quarreling about?" The person who was visiting said, "This one claims that he is a prophet." "One minute" - a big book in front of him; turning pages, turning, and then he said, "He is a liar because I never sent such a prophet." 

That is the characteristic of our egos. Don't imagine that now they are calm. When they find the chance, they are going to do everything. Therefore, throughout his life the Prophet (saws) proclaimed or warned by saying, "Oh my Lord, don't leave me in the hands of my ego." And all the Companions, all the saints, were afraid of their egos. The Prophet (saws) had Divine protection. His animal soul or ego (nafs) was never commander over him, never, but he taught us. "Oh people, you must be very careful. I am warning you about your egos. Too dangerous, too powerful wrestlers, yes? You don't know at what time they may throw you down. You must be very careful." He was asking, "Oh my Lord, don't leave me in the hands of my ego." We put it on the throne of our territories, of our bodies, and say, "Enjoy yourself. As you like. This is London." 

This is faith. This is a religion. It is not a game. We must be serious about our faith and our religion. Now we will say something important on that point. In our time, there are so many thoughts because everyone claims to be something. No one agrees to be nothing, and the highest honor in the Divine Presence is to declare that I am nothing, O my Lord. But our ego is never going to agree to be nothing. No. How can it be? I had printed, also, a card, writing on it that I am such and such a person, with letters after my name (a visiting card). Yes, I am registering my personality. Then you are telling me to be nothing?!!! 

That is important, because when God Almighty created the ego, He ordered it, "Come forward," but it went back. Ordering, "Go back," and it came forward, doing the opposite. He asked it, "Who am I and who are you." It claimed to be something, saying, "I am myself and You are You. You are You and I am myself in front of You, I am something." It means to say, "I seek God's forgiveness," that if You are something, then I am something, also. If You are in existence, I am in existence, also. I am something. I must prove my existence, it claimed. Never saying that You created me; You are everything, I am nothing, not saying that. 

That is a battle, going on from the beginning up to the end. Therefore, how is your ego, your nafs, going to agree with you without making a visiting card? You have one, also. Everyone must make a visiting, writing on it, "I am something!" The ego never wants to be something, never agrees to be something. Rather, it can find a chance, it says, "I am everything!" 

"Beware!" is written in certain places - "Beware of the dog." It is written within ourselves, also. What kind? A mad dog may bite you, but this is a dragon - a dragon with 70,000 heads, poisoned heads. If the real form of their egos were to appear to people, everyone would fall down and die. Therefore, we must be very careful of our ego, of our nafs. How can we be careful? How can we be able to protect ourselves, if we have such a terrible companion? It is the companion, the partner, with us, with our personality. Then how may we be able to be victorious over our ego (nafs)? 

Yes, we are living in a time in which that useless but harmful freedom gives more power, more authority, to our egos, and everyone says, "I am a prophet," or "I could be a prophet," or "I can speak as a prophet speaks," or "I can think as they thought," and want people to follow his way, each one more than the other. For this reason, religions are now only something looked at from outside. People look at that church, that synagogue, that mosque, and pass through it to the pub. Yes! No need for us. What was this church? What is that mosque? What is that synagogue? We must go to bars, pubs. 

Who is commanding those people? What thing commands them except their egos? Their egos are saying this because the ego never finds enjoyment in a mosque or in a synagogue or in a church. For this reason, now in our time religions are simply forms, even though God Almighty never leaves His servants without shelter against their egos, against satans. There must always be a shelter for those who are asking a protection from devils in every time. That is Divine Justice. Divine Justice makes that shelter for everyone, so that if anyone is running away from satans, he may be under protection. 

Now, we may say that there are three heavenly religions on earth: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Then, whoever feels fear of satans may run into one of these three shelters. Yes, I may say to people who are asking for a shelter that they can run into any one of these three shelters. If one of them keeps them or protects them, it is all right. If anyone finds a shelter in Christianity, asking for a shelter and finding a shelter from the hands of satans and from the hands of his ego, that is alright. No discussion, no argument with him. I am saying: Stay in that shelter. However, you must be very careful. If you can find a strong entrance, you may go in and you may lock it, but be careful about the back. There may be holes in the back. Satans may enter. You must look all around to see if it is all right. Don't be like a heedless person, escaping from the enemy and entering a fortress. It has only a strong door, but the back is all destroyed. Yes, because we look and we see that every religion except Islam is like a show. It is all right outwardly, as people claim in their writings, but the back is full of so many holes, so many destroyed walls, so that a thief may easily enter it. Therefore, we are advising any person who is asking for a shelter from satans to take care, inspecting everywhere. If it is all right, then he can stay. Otherwise he must look for a strong and safe shelter. 

Then, we should speak about Islam and about two others, both of them claiming to be partners in shelters for people in our time. If you can find two things in any religions, it is alright. It means that it has a living power, that it is alive and can protect you, One thing is if a religion gives you fear of God, it is young, it is powerful. If it can give you love of God, then that is also a sign that it is alright. 

If you can find both of them anywhere except in Islam, continue. Go, no need for a new shelter. However, you must not lie about it, because liars are accursed. If that power was with that shelter, God Almighty would never have sent Jesus Christ (as), the Messiah, after Moses (as), and if that shelter, also, was sufficient and strong, He would not have sent the Seal of the Prophets (saws) six centuries after Jesus Christ (as). You must think about it. Now you can find only in Islam the fear in God Almighty and the love of God Almighty. I met a famous scholar who lived in western countries, in England. He was saying, "I visited the tomb of a saint in Damascus. When I first stood before the grave, I was trembling and I couldn't stop trembling. That was Muhiyuddin, Muhiyuddin ibn al-Arabi's tomb. A fear came on me and I was trembling. I couldn't stop. Then after that, a deep love fell on my heart," he was saying.

A saint represents the life of a religion. No one can now take me to a Christian saint's tomb, although they have so many saints, and make me feel fear or feel hope or make me feel love. However, I can bring anyone to such a place, making him tremble and feel fear, and at the same time love, deep love, for his Lord Almighty. 

Thus, we have people, people alive now, who in no other religion except Islam represent such Divine Attributes, making people fear, making people love, through himself or herself; this is specific to the living religion of Islam. You may find in the presence of such a saintly fear, and at the same time love, for your Lord Almighty. These are important signs that we are speaking of, "Praise belongs to God," (al-hamdullillah), we are in a strong shelter.

Sheikh Nazim said....

But our nafs is still sleeping

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Lord of the heavens, the Creator of all existence. Everything in existence He created. Anytime He wants to take it all away, He can. Therefore, He is the Mighty (al-Aziz), the Glorious. No one can stand in front of Him. No one can be victorious against Him. Yes? No power can stop Him. All power originates with Him, Don't suppose that something He gave to you works for you. No. All works for Him. He is absolutely victorious. 

When is religion alive? This must be an important point for everyone to know. We are living in a time of different ways of thinking. There are so many different ideas and schools of thought, because our egos make themselves out to be a prophet or to be a most important person, or to be the first of those who may be pointed out by people, "This is the one." This is a great, heavy thing that is put upon a person. It is sufficient as a test or an examination from God Almighty for a person to be pointed out by people that is such-and-such a person. But our ego, our animal soul (nafs) now wants to be pointed to by hands, by fingers, that that is that person. This is the hobby of our egos. But our ego, our animal soul is still sleeping. If it can find a chance, it wants to be the first. Truly, each an ego is waiting to find a chance to be Pharaoh or a Nimrod or a Nero or any tyrant from among tyrants. Don't imagine that our egos are now very quiet, sitting. No! They may deceive you; that is the characteristic, the well-known characteristic, of egos. 

God Almighty says, "Truly the animal soul (nafs) impels toward evil" (13:53) (inna-n-nafsa la-ammaratun bis-sou). When he says, "ammaratun," it is exaggeration - so much! You can never imagine what your ego may command, may order you to do - such bad, such bad, such bad things! Everyone's ego! 

That is how, from the time of Prophet Joseph (as) from his mouth, through his sayings, God Almighty speaks and teaches. God Almighty, in His Divine way, is still teaching people, speaking of the past and instructing future people, listening people. Joseph (as) was a prophet and he had an ego. All the prophets, peace be upon them all, have an ego, but they can command it. They are kings of their egos and their egos are slaves to them. That is the difference between ourselves and prophets and saints. We are slaves to our egos. The king's Throne, our hearts, we leave to our ego, saying to it, "You should be here. You can command us," and we say to it, "I am your slave." God Almighty is warning people, because if you put your ego on the throne of your territory, your body, no doubt its orders will be the worst. What is it going to say to you? If it can find the chance to sit on the throne of Pharaoh, then it is going to order you the worst things, saying, "Oh people, you are my slaves, you are My servants, and I am your Lord!" Yes? Anything incorrect in this? It is correct. God Almighty says that our egos order us to do the worst things. 

Therefore, in our time, in this 20th century whose end we are reaching (the last quarter is passing away and we are going through to the 21st century), now people have found such freedom that before no one could dream of such a thing, of such freedom. If your ancestors, O Londoners, were to awaken, coming from cemeteries, they would first cut off your heads. They would say, "What is this?" People with no shame, living in this country? Who are these people? Where have they come from?" Yes - they would fight the people living in our time, in London, and also everywhere else, not only in London. Because we are in London now we are saying this, but even in Turkey, if the Ottomans came, they would fight the people living in Turkey now; in Arabia they would fight them, also. In every kind of a country, from East to West, if the previous inhabitants of those territories came, they would fight the people who are now living on earth because they would say, "What is this? What is this ignorance among people, what is this immodesty?" 

We are so proud that civilization has reached the peak of freedom. Still people are asking for more freedom. What is that freedom? To make a throne for everyone and to put him on it, making him sit and say, "I am your Lord. Come to me," everyone declaring that he is the Lord of this world and of the worlds. That is what people now want of freedom, so that no one can command them - the Lord of the heavens cannot command them. They can order anything, they can do anything. 

Yet if I say that now everyone claims to be like a prophet, it is still a lower position. But our egos never want to be lower; they want to be higher. Someone told me a story which shows our time's characteristics, how our egos go on. A person went to look around a mental hospital. One patient said, "I am a prophet. I am unknown but still I am a prophet." Then, when he began shouting so much, there was another one sitting in a high place, with a long beard, calling, "What's the matter? What are you quarreling about?" The person who was visiting said, "This one claims that he is a prophet." "One minute" - a big book in front of him; turning pages, turning, and then he said, "He is a liar because I never sent such a prophet." 

That is the characteristic of our egos. Don't imagine that now they are calm. When they find the chance, they are going to do everything. Therefore, throughout his life the Prophet (saws) proclaimed or warned by saying, "Oh my Lord, don't leave me in the hands of my ego." And all the Companions, all the saints, were afraid of their egos. The Prophet (saws) had Divine protection. His animal soul or ego (nafs) was never commander over him, never, but he taught us. "Oh people, you must be very careful. I am warning you about your egos. Too dangerous, too powerful wrestlers, yes? You don't know at what time they may throw you down. You must be very careful." He was asking, "Oh my Lord, don't leave me in the hands of my ego." We put it on the throne of our territories, of our bodies, and say, "Enjoy yourself. As you like. This is London." 

This is faith. This is a religion. It is not a game. We must be serious about our faith and our religion. Now we will say something important on that point. In our time, there are so many thoughts because everyone claims to be something. No one agrees to be nothing, and the highest honor in the Divine Presence is to declare that I am nothing, O my Lord. But our ego is never going to agree to be nothing. No. How can it be? I had printed, also, a card, writing on it that I am such and such a person, with letters after my name (a visiting card). Yes, I am registering my personality. Then you are telling me to be nothing?!!! 

That is important, because when God Almighty created the ego, He ordered it, "Come forward," but it went back. Ordering, "Go back," and it came forward, doing the opposite. He asked it, "Who am I and who are you." It claimed to be something, saying, "I am myself and You are You. You are You and I am myself in front of You, I am something." It means to say, "I seek God's forgiveness," that if You are something, then I am something, also. If You are in existence, I am in existence, also. I am something. I must prove my existence, it claimed. Never saying that You created me; You are everything, I am nothing, not saying that. 

That is a battle, going on from the beginning up to the end. Therefore, how is your ego, your nafs, going to agree with you without making a visiting card? You have one, also. Everyone must make a visiting, writing on it, "I am something!" The ego never wants to be something, never agrees to be something. Rather, it can find a chance, it says, "I am everything!" 

"Beware!" is written in certain places - "Beware of the dog." It is written within ourselves, also. What kind? A mad dog may bite you, but this is a dragon - a dragon with 70,000 heads, poisoned heads. If the real form of their egos were to appear to people, everyone would fall down and die. Therefore, we must be very careful of our ego, of our nafs. How can we be careful? How can we be able to protect ourselves, if we have such a terrible companion? It is the companion, the partner, with us, with our personality. Then how may we be able to be victorious over our ego (nafs)? 

Yes, we are living in a time in which that useless but harmful freedom gives more power, more authority, to our egos, and everyone says, "I am a prophet," or "I could be a prophet," or "I can speak as a prophet speaks," or "I can think as they thought," and want people to follow his way, each one more than the other. For this reason, religions are now only something looked at from outside. People look at that church, that synagogue, that mosque, and pass through it to the pub. Yes! No need for us. What was this church? What is that mosque? What is that synagogue? We must go to bars, pubs. 

Who is commanding those people? What thing commands them except their egos? Their egos are saying this because the ego never finds enjoyment in a mosque or in a synagogue or in a church. For this reason, now in our time religions are simply forms, even though God Almighty never leaves His servants without shelter against their egos, against satans. There must always be a shelter for those who are asking a protection from devils in every time. That is Divine Justice. Divine Justice makes that shelter for everyone, so that if anyone is running away from satans, he may be under protection. 

Now, we may say that there are three heavenly religions on earth: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Then, whoever feels fear of satans may run into one of these three shelters. Yes, I may say to people who are asking for a shelter that they can run into any one of these three shelters. If one of them keeps them or protects them, it is all right. If anyone finds a shelter in Christianity, asking for a shelter and finding a shelter from the hands of satans and from the hands of his ego, that is alright. No discussion, no argument with him. I am saying: Stay in that shelter. However, you must be very careful. If you can find a strong entrance, you may go in and you may lock it, but be careful about the back. There may be holes in the back. Satans may enter. You must look all around to see if it is all right. Don't be like a heedless person, escaping from the enemy and entering a fortress. It has only a strong door, but the back is all destroyed. Yes, because we look and we see that every religion except Islam is like a show. It is all right outwardly, as people claim in their writings, but the back is full of so many holes, so many destroyed walls, so that a thief may easily enter it. Therefore, we are advising any person who is asking for a shelter from satans to take care, inspecting everywhere. If it is all right, then he can stay. Otherwise he must look for a strong and safe shelter. 

Then, we should speak about Islam and about two others, both of them claiming to be partners in shelters for people in our time. If you can find two things in any religions, it is alright. It means that it has a living power, that it is alive and can protect you, One thing is if a religion gives you fear of God, it is young, it is powerful. If it can give you love of God, then that is also a sign that it is alright. 

If you can find both of them anywhere except in Islam, continue. Go, no need for a new shelter. However, you must not lie about it, because liars are accursed. If that power was with that shelter, God Almighty would never have sent Jesus Christ (as), the Messiah, after Moses (as), and if that shelter, also, was sufficient and strong, He would not have sent the Seal of the Prophets (saws) six centuries after Jesus Christ (as). You must think about it. Now you can find only in Islam the fear in God Almighty and the love of God Almighty. I met a famous scholar who lived in western countries, in England. He was saying, "I visited the tomb of a saint in Damascus. When I first stood before the grave, I was trembling and I couldn't stop trembling. That was Muhiyuddin, Muhiyuddin ibn al-Arabi's tomb. A fear came on me and I was trembling. I couldn't stop. Then after that, a deep love fell on my heart," he was saying.

A saint represents the life of a religion. No one can now take me to a Christian saint's tomb, although they have so many saints, and make me feel fear or feel hope or make me feel love. However, I can bring anyone to such a place, making him tremble and feel fear, and at the same time love, deep love, for his Lord Almighty. 

Thus, we have people, people alive now, who in no other religion except Islam represent such Divine Attributes, making people fear, making people love, through himself or herself; this is specific to the living religion of Islam. You may find in the presence of such a saintly fear, and at the same time love, for your Lord Almighty. These are important signs that we are speaking of, "Praise belongs to God," (al-hamdullillah), we are in a strong shelter.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sayyidina Abu Darda r.a berkata ...

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda, "Allah s.w.t akan bangkitkan beberapa golongan pada hari kiamat dengan wajah-wajah mereka bercahaya-cahaya dan mereka akan berada di atas mimbar-mimbar mutiara. Orang ramai akan cemburu terhadap mereka. Mereka bukanlah para nabi dan bukan juga para syuhada." Seorang sahabat yang datang dari kampung duduk berlutut lalu bertanya, "Ya Rasulullah, beritahulah kepada kami sifat-sifat mereka supaya kami dapat mengenali mereka." Nabi s.a.w bersabda, "Mereka ialah orang yang berkasih sayang antara satu sama lain kerana Allah s.w.t datang daripada kabilah-kabilah yang berlainan, tempat-tempat yang berlainan dan berhimpun di satu tempat serta sibuk mengingati Allah s.w.t" (Tabarani: Majma' uz-Zawa'id)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sahabat, bacalah sejenak...

Diriwayatkan, bahwa : 
Apabila penghuni Syurga telah masuk ke dalam Syurga, lalu Mereka tidak menemukan Sahabat Sahabat mereka yang selalu bersama mereka dahulu di Dunia.

Mereka bertanya tentang Sahabat Mereka kepada اللّهُ سبحانه و تعالى ..

"Yaa Rabb.. 
Kami tidak melihat Sahabat-sahabat kami yang sewaktu di Dunia Solat bersama kami, Puasa bersama kami dan berjuang bersama kami."

Maka اللّهُ سبحانه و تعالى berfirman: 
"Pergilah ke neraka, lalu keluarkan Sahabat Sahabatmu yang di hatinya ada Iman walaupun hanya sebesar zarrah" (HR. Ibnul Mubarak dalam kitab "Az-Zuhd").

Al-Hasan Al-Bashri berkata: "Perbanyakkanlah Sahabat Sahabat Mu'minmu, kerana Mereka memiliki Syafa'at pada hari kiamat".

Ibnul Jauzi pernah berpesan kepada Sahabat Sahabatnya sambil menangis: 
"Jika kalian tidak menemukan aku nanti di Syurga bersama kalian, maka tolonglah bertanya kepada اللّهُ تعالى  tentang aku:
"Wahai Rabb Kami.. 
Hamba-Mu fulan, sewaktu di dunia selalu mengingatkan kami tentang ENGKAU.. 
Maka masukkanlah dia bersama kami di Syurga-Mu"

Mudah mudahan dengan ini, aku telah  Mengingatkanmu Tentang اللّهُ تعالى ..
Agar aku dapat besertamu kelak di Syurga & Redha-Nya..
آمِيّنْ.  يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ   

Ya Allah  يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ  ... 
Aku Memohon kepada-Mu.. Kurniakanlah kepadaku Sahabat-Sahabat yang selalu mengajakku untuk Tunduk Patuh & Taat Kepada Syariat-Mu.. 

Kekalkanlah persahabatan kami hingga kami bertemu di akhirat dengan-Mu...

والْحَمْدُ للّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

Ar Ribath Al Ukhuwah
Carilah banyak sahabat yg dpt menunjuk kamu kpd   kebaikan & syurga

Pesanan Luqman

🌴قال لقمان لابنه :

 يابني ليكن أول شي ء تكسبه بعد الإيمان بالله أخا  "صادقا"
فإنما مثله كمثل "شجرة" إن جلست في ظلها أظلتك وإن أخذت منها أطعمتك وإن لم تنفعك لم تضرك¡

Pesanan Luqman buat anaknya : "Pekara pertama yang sangar perlu dimiliki kamu setelah keimanan kepada Allah adalah teman sejati. Ia bagaikan pohon yang rimbun. Jika engkau duduk disisi pohon ia merimbuni engkau dengan keteduhan. Jija engkau petik sesuatu darinya pasti engkau dapat makanan darinya. Jikapun ia tidak dapat membantu engkau ia pasti tidak mengkhianati engkau".
تريما دري حبيب إبراهيم

Miracles of al Quran

A very interesting video about the miracles of the Quran!

Subhanallahhh !

Zarah yg wujud dlm emas mampu ...

Zarah yg wujud dlm emas mampu menembus ke dalam kulit melalui pori2 dan masuk ke dalam darah manusia. Jika seorang manusia mengenakan emas dalam jumlah tertentu dan dalam jangka waktu yang lama, maka kesannya di dalam darah dan urine akan mengandung atom/zarah emas dalam kadar yang melebihi batas (dikenal dengan sebutan migrasi emas).

Dan apabila ini terjadi dalam jangka waktu yang lama, maka akan mengakibatkan penyakit Alzheimer. Ini adalah kerana zarah emas yg tidak di buang dalam jangka waktu yang lama dalam darah ini akan sampai ke otak dan memicu penyakit alzheimer.
Alzheimer adalah suatu penyakit di mana orang tersebut kehilangan semua kemampuan mental dan fisik serta menyebabkan kembali seperti anak kecil. Alzheimer bukan penuaan normal,tetapi merupakan penuaan paksaan atau terpaksa. Antara yang terkena penyakit alzheimer adalah charles bronson, ralph waldo emerson,ronald reagan dan sugar ray robinson.
Akan tetapi, mengapa Islam memperbolehkan wanita untuk mengenakan emas ?
Jawapannya adalah..
"Wanita tidak menderita masalah ini karena setiap bulan, partikel berbahaya tersebut keluar dari tubuh wanita melalui menstruasi." itulah sebabnya islam mengharamkan lelaki memakai emas dan membolehkan wanita memakai perhiasan emas.
itulah antara sebab agama Islam melarang kaum lelaki memakai emas,ternyata hal ini telah diketahui Nabi Muhammad lebih1400 tahun yang lalu padahal beliau tidak pernah belajar ilmu sains.
Dlm satu hadis nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam telah melarang kaum lelaki memakai emas walaupun cincin yg kecil.
Al-Bukhari dan Muslim masing-masing dari Al-Bara' bin Azib Radhiyallahu 'anhu, bahwa ketika Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam melihat seorang laki-laki memakai cincin emas di tangannya, maka beliau memintanya supaya menanggalkan cincinnya. (HR. Bukhori & Muslim)                            Wallahua'lam.
Salam info😃

Cara mudah mencari muka surat dlm Quran..!!!

Mari Kita Cuba....!
Al-Quran adalah peninggalan Rasulullah kpd kita semua umatnya. Ada 2   benda yg Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tinggalkan kepada kita iaitu Al-Quran dan juga Sunnah utk kita semua amalkan. Berapa kali korang baca Al-Quran sehari? 1 kali? 2 kali atau dalam solat sahaja? Pahala paling senang nk dapat adalah melalui pembacaan Al-Quran kerana setiap huruf diberikan 10 pahala, tambahan pula Al_Quran adalah kalam Allah (dtg daripada Allah sendiri bukan diciptakan manusia)

Tip yg nk kongsikan ni adalah cara utk menghafal muka surat setiap juzuk Al-Quran. Memang menakjubkan kerana hanya dengan menggunakan formula matematik ringkas, kita dapat tau muka surat setiap juzuk Al-Quran.

Jom sama2 kita belajar...

Contoh 1
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 5 di halaman ke berapa:
5-1 = 4, 4 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 4 x 2 = 8
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzuk 5 adalah pada halaman 82
Sekarang lihat pada Quran dan anda akan lihat Juzuk 5 bermula pada halaman 82. Menarikkan?

Contoh 2
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 10 di halaman ke berapa:
10-1 = 9, 9 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 9 x 2 = 18
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzuk 10 adalah pada halaman 182

Contoh 3
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 23 di halaman ke berapa:
23-1 = 22, 22 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 22 x 2 = 44
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzu 23 adalah pada halaman 442

Subhanallah, memang menakjubkan kan kawan2. Sama2 kita kongsikan kepada kawan2 kita, adik2 kita, famili2 kita supaya kita sama2 mendapat pahala... 

Dipanjangkan info ini..moga dipanjangkan pahala bagi yg menulisnya. hanya berkongsi ilmu

Cara mudah mencari muka surat dlm Quran..!!!

Mari Kita Cuba....!
Al-Quran adalah peninggalan Rasulullah kpd kita semua umatnya. Ada 2   benda yg Nabi Muhammad s.a.w tinggalkan kepada kita iaitu Al-Quran dan juga Sunnah utk kita semua amalkan. Berapa kali korang baca Al-Quran sehari? 1 kali? 2 kali atau dalam solat sahaja? Pahala paling senang nk dapat adalah melalui pembacaan Al-Quran kerana setiap huruf diberikan 10 pahala, tambahan pula Al_Quran adalah kalam Allah (dtg daripada Allah sendiri bukan diciptakan manusia)

Tip yg nk kongsikan ni adalah cara utk menghafal muka surat setiap juzuk Al-Quran. Memang menakjubkan kerana hanya dengan menggunakan formula matematik ringkas, kita dapat tau muka surat setiap juzuk Al-Quran.

Jom sama2 kita belajar...

Contoh 1
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 5 di halaman ke berapa:
5-1 = 4, 4 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 4 x 2 = 8
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzuk 5 adalah pada halaman 82
Sekarang lihat pada Quran dan anda akan lihat Juzuk 5 bermula pada halaman 82. Menarikkan?

Contoh 2
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 10 di halaman ke berapa:
10-1 = 9, 9 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 9 x 2 = 18
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzuk 10 adalah pada halaman 182

Contoh 3
Jika anda ingin mengetahui Juzuk 23 di halaman ke berapa:
23-1 = 22, 22 perlu didarab dengan 2 jadi 22 x 2 = 44
Letakkan no 2 selepas jawapan.
Jadi, juzu 23 adalah pada halaman 442

Subhanallah, memang menakjubkan kan kawan2. Sama2 kita kongsikan kepada kawan2 kita, adik2 kita, famili2 kita supaya kita sama2 mendapat pahala... 

Dipanjangkan info ini..moga dipanjangkan pahala bagi yg menulisnya. hanya berkongsi ilmu

The root of evil ...

The root of evil is the attraction towards worthless vanities of the world and it's deceptive luxuries.

Ceasing love of dunya will help a person achieve the highest position in the eyes of Allah and then neither any material gain will please him nor any material loss will grieve him. 

Such a person will feel true happiness... 


The root of evil ...

The root of evil is the attraction towards worthless vanities of the world and it's deceptive luxuries.

Ceasing love of dunya will help a person achieve the highest position in the eyes of Allah and then neither any material gain will please him nor any material loss will grieve him. 

Such a person will feel true happiness... 


Ganjaran Buat Isteri

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Minggu bermakna...

We learned this week that one of our daughter's male friends has been keeping a fond but distance interest in her.

He has picked up frequency of contact with her since knowing " ine is clear" 

What a patient man! 

We both are pleased with this person. I personally find him suitable ( in character ) for her...Just that I don't know his where his religious inclinations stand are . 

Insyallah, I hope this will lead to something good...

Am on the way down to Batu Pahat for training program... In a cab with Zack

Berkata Al Habib Zein bin Ibrohim bin Sumaith:

"Sebagian besar kaum muslimin saat ini sangat memperhatikan didalam mengobati penyakit-penyakit jasmani/fisik dengan perhatian yang sangat besar, sehingga sebagian dari mereka rela mendatangi rumah sakit terbesar dan dokter terbaik di penjuru dunia hanya untuk mengobati penyakit jasmaninya. 

Akan tetapi mereka melupakan penyakit-penyakit hati, padahal penyakit hati ini seharusnya mendapat perhatian yang lebih serius. Karena hati adalah bagian paling inti dari seorang manusia, di hati inilah turun rahmat,cahaya,taufiq mahabbah dari Allah. 

Sebagaimana sabda Rosul di dalam sebuah hadis:

“Sesungguhnya di dalam jasad manusia terdapat segumpal daging, apabila dia baik maka seluruh jasad akan menjadi baik dan apabila dia rusak maka seluruh jasad akan menjadi rusak, itu adalah hati.”

Orang yang bodoh adalah orang yang mementingkan jasmaninya dan melalaikan hatinya. 

Wahai saudaraku, perhatikanlah hatimu. Jagalah hati supaya tidak ditempati oleh syaithon, hawa, nafsu dan dunia. Apabila hati ini sudah bersih dan suci, maka akan merasakan nikmatnya iman dan ibadah dan mendapat kesembuhan dari penyakit fisik dan maknawi.

Doa yang selalu dipanjatkan Rosulullah SAW:

اللهم يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك وطاعتك

"Ya Allah Dzat yang membolak-balikan hati, tetapkanlah hatiku di atas agama-Mu dan taat kepada-Mu."

آمــيــــــن.. اَللَّهُمَّ آمِيْنَ يَا رَ بَّ العَـــالَمِيْنَ

Dzauqi's notes from taklim 20th September 2013

2 orang yang tidak akan kenyang. Iaitu orang yang mencari ilmu dan orang yang mencari dunia. Bagaimana mahu menghindari dari mencari harta dunia sahaja? Ialah jangan menjadi hamba dunia. Orang yang mempunyai banyak harta dunia belum tentu menjadi seorang yang kaya dan berjaya. Orang yang kaya ialah seseorang itu mempunyai ilmu yang banyak dan ilmu dan bekalan  akhirat yang banyak...makam seseorang itu tinggi apabila dia menerima keredhaan allah. Redha dgn segala duka yang diuji kepadanya..

Jangan lah kita membinasakan diri kita dengan membuat perkara yang tidak elok. Jangan lah kita membuat atau merancang sesuatu buatan yang tidak baik dengan ingat ianya akan dimaafkan oleh Allah SWT. Sebagai contoh, dua hamba allah ingin membuat sesuatu perkara yang tidak elok kepada nabi yusof alaihissalam. Mereka berkata, "buat sahaja nanti kita bertaubat".... Ianya seperti membuat sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal. Dgn membuat perkara yang tidak elok tersebut bagaikan kita yakin bahawa Allah SWT akan menerima taubat kita tersebut. Walhal, kita tidak tentu bahawa dgn membuat perkara yang tidak elok tersebut akan selamat dari ancaman. .......
Jadi marilah kita bertaubat sebelum ianya terlambat. Dan berdoa kita tidak melakukan perkara yang di keji oleh Allah SWT.

 A little something i got from todays ta'lim..."

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kasih dan Cinta

"Cari lah pasangan hidup yang kasih dan cinta mereka kepada mu tidak sehebat kasih dan cinta mereka kepada Allah dan kekasih NYA, Rasullulah saw...kerana kasih dan cinta Allah kepada mereka itu akan ada juga kasih dan cinta NYA kepada mu...."

Policies and goals of Chistiya silsilah

Our goal is ALLAH swt Himself. Our only intention ( niyyat ) is worshipping HIM and winning HIS pleasure. Our policies are:

1- Preferring sobriety over intoxication.

2- In our silsilah miracles are not encouraged.

Our Mashaikh try to kindle or enlarge the spark already in the murid's heart, and then his own fire work wonders.

Our Mashaikh do not allow the murids to get lost in the charm ( i.e. miracles and physical beauty etc ) of the spiritual journey.

3- In our silsila, our Mashaikh do not allow dancing, crying or moving about in Qawalli sessions, halqa zikir etc, because if one is overpowered by ecstasies, faizan stops coming. We want the murids to bear everything calmly and firmly, while in some silsila getting up and dancing is encouraged as progress. We regard it as weakness. So overall position is that our way is closer to the Prophet's way of patience, tolerance and courage.

Extracted from " From Darkness into Light " Pg 215

Qutbah Jumaat 20 September 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kami tau tapi tidak buat

🌼 Berkata Imam Ibnul Qayyim rhm, "Seorang remaja perempuan telah meninggal dunia disebabkan taun. Maka pada suatu hari bapanya telah bermimpi berjumpa dengannya lalu bapanya bertanya, wahai anakku, khabarkanlah kepadaku keadaan hari akhirat.

🌼 Aku telah pergi ke satu dunia, hal yg berlaku di dalamnya adalah sangat hebat penyesalannya. Sesungguhnya kita semua tahu akan tetapi kita mahu lakukan. Demi Allah ! Sesungguhnya pahala sekali tasbih atau pahala satu rakaat solat, jika ianya tertulis di atas sehelai lembaran kitab amalanku, lebih aku sukai daripada dunia dan seisinya."

🌼 Sesungguhnya remaja perempuan itu telah berkata mengenai satu perkara yg sangat berat untuk dihadapi (kita semua pasti akan menghadapinya) KITA SEMUA TAHU TETAPI KITA TIDAK BUAT. Ramai di kalangan kita yang tidak faham maksudnya (kerana kita belum memasukinya)

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa apabila kita mengucapkan "subhanallahi wa bihamdihi" sebanyak 100 kali, dosa kita akan diampun oleh Allah SWT walaupun sebanyak buih di lautan. Masa seharian kita berlalu tetapi kita tidak pun mengucapnya.

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa dua rakaat dhuha itu akan mencukupkan kewajipan 360 sedekah (yg diwajibkan ke atas anggota badan). Masa seharian kita berlalu tetapi kita tidak melakukannya

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa puasa sunat satu hari di jalan Allah, akan menyebabkan Allah SWT menjauhkan muka kita dari api neraka sejauh 7 parit dan 70 kharif

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa menziarahi orang sakit akan menyebabkan dia diikuti oleh 70,000 malaikat yg akan memohon ampun kpd Allah SWT baginya. Akan tetapi seminggu berlalu, kita tidak menziarahi pun orang sakit

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu, barangsiapa yg menyembahyangkan jenazah kemudian menghantarnya ke kubur, menunggunya hingga jenazah selesai ditanam akan mendapat dua qirat pahala dari Tuhan. Akan tetapi hari hari berlalu tiada suatu jenazah pun yg kita iringi (satu qirat adalah sebesar bukit uhud)

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa saham membina masjid walau sebesar sarang burung akan membuatkan Allah SWT membinakan untuknya rumah di syurga. Akan tetapi kita mengambil ringan dalam menyumbangkan saham membina masjid

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa menolong ibu tunggal dan golongan miskin (pahalanya) seperti orang berjihad di jalan Allah atau seperti puasa yg tidak berbuka atau seperti yg berqiam dan tidak tidur. Akan tetapi tiada orang susah pun yg menjadi tanggungan bulanan kita.

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa membaca alquran itu, satu huruf akan diganjari 10 kebaikan, kita tidak juga membaca alquran.

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita tahu bahawa kemuliaan seorang mukmin itu adalah berdirinya dia bertahajjud di hadapan tuhannya dlm keadaan manusia tidur. Adalah Nabi SAW dan para sahabat RA tidak meninggalkan qiamullail sepanjang umur mereka walaupun sibuk berjuang menyebarkan agama. Kita pula memandang ringan akan qiamullaill.

🌼 Sesungguhnya kita mengetahui bahawa mati itu bila bila masa akan tetapi kita seding menangguhkan taubat dan bersungguh membuat pahala

🌼 Ketahuilah wahai saudara-saudaraku, setiap nafas yg kita hembuskan, semakin mendekatkan kita kepada ajal kita. Kematian bermakna membawa pahala berjumpa Allah SWT.

🌼 Adakah pahala kita sudah cukup untuk memberatkan timbangan kita?

🌼 Adakah pahala kita sudah cukup untuk menghadapi hisab yang boleh memufliskan?

🍁 Berbahagialah kepada yg membacanya, faham akannya dan bersegera mengamalkannya. Semoga Allah SWT membalas dgn sebaik balasan kpd yg menyebarkannya.

Beautiful message🌾🍃

Sharing for today..🌸🌷🌹

Which made me ashamed of myself 

Have you ever wondered what would have happened if we
treated the Quran the way we treat our 📱mobile phone???

What if we can carry it with us wherever we go; 
In our bags 💼👜👝👛 & our pockets?

What if we looked at the pages📖 several times a day?

What if we went back to take it if forgotten 🏃?

What if we treated as though we cannot live without it😩?
- And really, we cannot live without it!😵

What if we give it to our children 👫as gifts🎁??

What if we read it while travelling??? ✈⛵🚁🚂🚇🚌🚙🚗🚕

What if we made it a priority everyday??
Let our logo be
" Quran is my best friend."

Only 7% will re- send the
message. Be amongst them & send it to the largest possible number of people. Don't be of the 93% who will not share the message ...😧

Think ☝.. Even once .. ☝ (Day of Judgment) we will realise we daily opened messages from friends .. 
We shared/forwarded the jokes 😂 & gossips 😙. 
But how many times do we
open the Quran and read the messages sent from Allah subhaana wa ta'ala Himself? "❔ ✨

If you 💕 your friends 👬👭 and family 👪 👴👵, share this reminder with them!!!

*Scientifically proven;
Listening to Quran reduces the prevalence of cancerous cells in the human body and even destroys them.

The prolongation of prostration strengthens memory, and prevents stroke.

Prostration removes positive charges in the body - in a world where EVERYTHING uses electricity and affects us negatively, learn the importance of this.

Satan said "I wonder how humans claim to Love Allaah and disobey Him, and claim they hate me yet they obey me!
Will take 60 seconds to benefit ur loved ones, pass it on as a reminder.
Warning - ⚠ ❗
Do not send later. Send now.
May Allah grant success to everyone who reads and sends.

Ramai isteri ...

Seorang lelaki mempunyai 4 orang ISTERI
Isteri Pertama : Tidak diberi perhatian..
Isteri Kedua dan Ketiga :. Selalu di beri perhatian..
Isteri ke empat : Terlalu diberi perhatian dan kasih sayang..
Ketika lelaki itu mahu meninggal, dia memanggil ke empat-empat isterinya.
‘Mahukah kalian menemaniku di alam kubur..??
Isteri ke-4 : ‘Sorry! Sampai sini sahaja aku mengikutmu.’
Isteri ke-2 dan ke-3 : ‘Kami akan menemanimu tapi hanya sampai ke liang kubur sahaja.’
Lelaki itu kecewa. Lalu ditanya pula pada isteri pertama. Isteri pertama menjawab :
‘Aku akan menemanimu ke mana saja kamu pergi dan akan selalu mendampingimu.’
Siapa isteri pertama hingga ke empat?
Isteri ke 4 - Adalah harta dan kekayaan kita
Isteri ke 3 - Teman-teman kita
Isteri ke 2 - Keluarga kita
Isteri Pertama - Merupakan AMALAN kita selama kita hidup di dunia.

Pikir pikir la beb...

Cerita Pokok dan Mancis.

🌳 Sebatang pokok dapat membuat jutaan batang mancis, tetapi satu batang mancis juga dapat membakar jutaan pokok. 

🔥 Jadi, satu fikiran negatif dapat membakar semua fikiran positif. Mancis mempunyai kepala, tetapi tidak mempunyai otak, oleh kerena itu, setiap kali ada gesekan kecil, Sang mancis terus terbakar. 

🐛 Kita mempunyai kepala, dan juga otak, jadi kita tidaklah perlu terbakar dgn perasaan marah hanya kerena gesekan kecil. Ketika burung hidup, ia makan ulat, ketika burung mati, ulat pula makan burung. 

🌏 Waktu terus berputar sepanjang zaman sama seperti kitaran kehidupan terus berlaku. Jangan merendahkan siapapun dalam hidup, bukan kerana siapa mereka, tetapi kerana siapa diri kita. 

🌊 Kita mungkin berkuasa hari ini tetapi WAKTU lebih berkuasa daripada kita. Waktu kita sedang berjaya, kita merasa banyak teman di sekeliling kita. 

💊 Waktu kita sakit, kita baru tahu bahawa sihat itu sangat penting, jauh melebihi HARTA. 

😯 Ketika kita tua, kita baru tahu bahawa masih banyak perkara yang belum kita kerjakan dan, setelah di ambang ajal, kita baru tahu begitu banyak waktu yang terbuang sia-sia. 

⏳Hidup tidaklah lama, sudah saatnya kita bersama-sama membuat HIDUP LEBIH BERHARGA. Saling menghargai, saling membantu dan memberi, juga saling menyokong. 

✅ Jadilah teman perjalanan hidup yg tanpa banyak soal dan syarat. J
Believe in "Cause & Effect" 

🚩Apa yang ditabur, 
itulah yang akan kita tuai...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My 51st birthday...

Celebrated by my nephew and nieces...a very nice surprise and great way to end the day...



Kasih kepada Nabi...

💚Ketika masih di perut ibunya, ayah tercinta meninggal dunia..

💚Belum juga berumur 6thn ibu yg menyayanginya kembali di panggil Allah SWT..

💚Ia tinggal di rumah  kakeknya, dan stelah kakeknya meninggal,lalu di asuh pamannya..

💚Setelah berusia 25th, ia menikah dgn wanita suci, hanya beberapa tahun sayyidatina Khadijah berpulang pada AlKhaliq..

💚Dua anak yg masih kecil yg sangat di cintainya meninggal di hadapan nya..

💚Beliau di lempar batu dan beliau pun memaafkan mereka..

💚Ketika sujud orang2 kafir meletakkan kotoran dan isi perut unta di atas kepalanya yg mulia , nabi tetap sujud dan memaafkan mereka..

💚Suatu ketika rida yg di pakainya di tarik dgn kasar hingga hampir mencekik leher nya yg suci, beliau juga senyum dan mengampuni pelakunya..

💚Duri dan kotoran di letakkan pada jln yg beliau lalui, tetap saja beliau tidak marah dan mendoakan umatnya..

💚Mereka ejek dan menamainya  orang yg tercela padahal beliau adalah Muhammad (terpuji)..

💚Wajahnya yg suci tertusuk besi, diracun disihir dan segala intimidasi pernah beliau rasakan..

💚Tahukah demi siapa beliau lakukan itu semua??

Bahkan sebagian dari kita tak mengenalnya..

🌻Bershalawatlah pada manusia yg  merindukan kita sebelum beliau melihat kita!

🌻Pada manusia yg memanggil kita kelak pada hari kiamat ummati ummati.. umatku umatku..


Ya ALLAH curahkanlah sholawat dan salammu pada nabi kita Muhammad SAW dan klrga serta para sahabatnya, sebnyk hembusan nafas seluruh makhluk-MU


I love this simple yet meaningful story:

A King had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to him; My king, do not be discouraged because everything Allah does is perfect, no mistakes.

One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; if Allah was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger. 
The servant replied;  Despite all these things, I can only tell you that Allah is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never and will never be wrong. Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant.

Later, he left for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. In the altar, the savages found out that the king didn't have one finger in place, he was released because he was considered not "complete" to be offered to the Gods.

On his return to the palace, he authorized the release of his servant and said; My friend, Allah was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger I was let go. But I have a question; If Allah is so good, why did He allow me to put you in jail?. He replied; My king, if I had gone with you, I would have been sacrificed because I have no missing finger.

Everything Allah does is perfect, He is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us forgetting that nothing is random, and that everything has a purpose. Allah knows why he chose you to receive this message today, please bless someone with it by sharing it.

Everything happens for a reason, things do happen for our own Good. Allah is Great!

Kisah 6 Teka Teki Imam Al-Ghazali Yang Gagal Dijawab Dengan Tepat

Suatu hari, Imam Al-Ghazali berkumpul dengan murid-muridnya lalu beliau bertanya soalan berbentuk teka teki :

Soalan pertama

Imam Ghazali : Apakah yang paling dekat dengan diri kita di dunia ini?

Lalu beberapa orang murid menjawab:

Murid 1 : Orang tua

Murid 2 : Guru

Murid 3 : Teman

Murid 4 : Kaum kerabat

Imam Ghazali : Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling dekat dengan kita ialah MATI. Sebab itu janji Allah bahawa setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati ( Surah Ali-Imran:185) .

Soalan kedua

Imam Ghazali : Apa yang paling jauh dari kita di dunia ini ?

Lalu beberapa orang murid menjawab:

Murid 1 : Negeri Cina

Murid 2 : Bulan

Murid 3 : Matahari

Murid 4 : Bintang-bintang

Iman Ghazali : Semua jawapan itu benar. Tetapi yang paling benar adalah MASA LALU. Bagaimanapun kita, apapun kenderaan kita, tetap kita tidak akan dapat kembali ke masa yang lalu. Oleh sebab itu kita harus menjaga hari ini, hari esok dan hari-hari yang akan datang dengan perbuatan yang sesuai dengan ajaran Agama.

Soalan ketiga

Iman Ghazali : Apa yang paling besar didunia ini?

Lalu beberapa orang murid menjawab:

Murid 1 : Gunung

Murid 2 : Matahari

Murid 3 : Bumi

Imam Ghazali : Semua jawapan itu benar, tapi yang besar sekali adalah HAWA NAFSU (Surah Al A’raf: 179). Maka kita harus hati-hati dengan nafsu kita, jangan sampai nafsu kita membawa ke neraka .

“Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk neraka jahanam banyak dari jin dan manusia yang mempunyai hati (tetapi) tidak mahu memahami dengannya (ayat-ayat Allah), dan yang mempunyai mata (tetapi) tidak mahu melihat dengannya (bukti keesaan Allah) dan yang mempunyai telinga (tetapi) tidak mahu mendengar dengannya (ajaran dan nasihat); mereka itu seperti binatang ternak, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi; mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai. ” (Surah Al-A’raaf, Ayat 179)

Soalan keempat

Imam Ghazali : Apa yang paling berat didunia ?

Lalu beberapa orang murid menjawab:

Murid 1 : Baja

Murid 2 : Besi

Murid 3 : Gajah

Imam Ghazali : Semua itu benar, tapi yang paling berat adalah MEMEGANG AMANAH (Surah Al-Azab : 72 ). Tumbuh-tumbuhan, binatang, gunung, dan malaikat semua tidak mampu ketika Allah SWT meminta mereka menjadi khalifah(pemimpin) di duni! a ini. Tetapi manusia dengan sombongnya berebut-rebut menyanggupi permintaan Allah SWT sehingga banyak manusia masuk ke neraka kerana gagal memegang amanah.’

Soalan kelima

Imam Ghazali : Apa yang paling ringan di dunia ini ?

Lalu beberapa orang murid menjawab:

Murid 1 : Kapas

Murid 2 : Angin

Murid 3 : Debu

Murid 4 : Daun-daun

Imam Ghazali : Semua jawapan kamu itu benar, tapi yang paling ringan sekali didunia ini adalah MENINGGALKAN SOLAT. Gara-gara pekerjaan kita atau urusan dunia, kita tinggalkan solat. Na’uzubillahiminzaa lik.

Soalan keenam

Imam Ghazali : Apa yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini ?

Murid- Murid dengan serentak menjawab : Pedang

Imam Ghazali : Itu benar, tetapi yang paling tajam sekali didunia ini adalah LIDAH MANUSIA . Kerana melalui lidah, manusia dengan mudahnya menyakiti hati dan melukai perasaan saudaranya sendiri.

Majlis Haul Imam al Haddad @ Jenderam

Hayatilah ayat2 Quran tertentu...

Surat Al-Ankabut: 2-3“Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan (saja) hanya dengan mengatakan: “Kami telah beriman”, sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? Dan sesungguhnya, Kami   telah   menguji   orang-orang   sebelum   mereka,   maka   sesungguhnya   Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia pasti mengetahui orang- orang yang dusta.”

Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah  mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.”

Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286“Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.”

Surah Al-Imran ayat 139“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah (pula) kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi (derajatnya), jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman.”

Surah Yusuf ayat 87“Dan jangan kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah. Sesungguhnya tiada berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, melainkan orang-orang yang kafir."

Surah Ali-Imran ayat 200 “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bersabarlah kamu dan kuatkanlah kesabaranmu dan tetaplah bersiap siaga (di negerimu) dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah kamu beruntung.”

Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45-46”Dan mohonlah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan sabar dan shalat. Dan (shalat) itu sungguh berat  kecuali  bagi orang-orang  yang khusyuk,  (yaitu)  mereka  yang  yakin, bahwa mereka akan menemui Tuhannya, dan bahwa mereka akan kembali kepada- Nya.”

Surah Ali-Imran: 173“Cukuplah Allah (menjadi penolong) bagi kami dan Dia sebaik-baik pelindung.”

Surah At-Taubah ayat 129“Cukuplah Allah bagiku; tidak ada Ilah selain Dia. Hanya kepada-Nya aku bertawakkal,dan Dia adalah Tuhan yang memiliki ‘Arsy (singgasana) yang agung.”

Sama2lah kita beriman dgn ayat2 Al Quran ini, moga dpt membawa kebaikan dan keredhaan Allah SWT pada kita semua.