Saturday, February 2, 2013

Maulid Akbar Darul Murtadza 1Feb2013

Aslmkm Semua,
Here are some mutiara ilmu picked up from last night Majlis Mauild Akbar at Darul Murtadza Masjid Muaaz bin Jabbar.

Habib Ali hosted about 5000 people for this first Maulid Akbar in this masjid since moving from Surau Al Hidayah. The response was MasyaALLAH overwhelming...
Ustaz Hafiz was given the honor to speak first and followed by Ustaz Don Daniyal and then Habib Zin.

Ustaz Hafiz was as his usual self, gave a short put meaning tausiyah...Rasullullah di ibaratkan sebagai bulan dan Matahari kerana hanya ada SATU saja di dunia dan tiada yang serupa dengan beliau. kita beruntung kerana dalam banyak banyak kaum yang nabi mereka di beri penghormatan...Nabi kita yang paling agung! Maka jangan kita sia siakan anugerah ini dari ALLAH swt...

" Majis taklim Darul Murtadza adalah sesuatu yang amat sangat baik dan di perlukan dalam zaman kita sekrang ini...maka janganlah kita merugikan diri sendiri dengan kelalaian dengan nya dalam mendahulukan yang lain seperti hal hal dunia..."

he went on to puji usaha Habib Ali dengan menyediakan Majlis Taklim seperti di DM...

Ustaz Don...the funny guy that he is...(anyway try to catch the uploaded video of this majlis and see how sometimes he seems to terencat kadang kadang...waktu Habib ali dan Ustaz hafiz bercakap her would look up straight to them tak kelip mata...mulut lopong!...comic release for many including myself.

Anyway...he was related about a sirah nabi when someone ask Nabi about bila waktu nya kiamat....Bani tidak terus menjawab tapi Nabi went one to speak about a subject he was discoursing before the question came about...when he finished he asked "siapakh yang bertanya tentang kaiamt tadi?' the guys had almsot already about to leave at the door when nabi asked this and the guys replied..."aku lah orang itu tadi"...

Nabi replied..."apakah persiapan mu untuk hari kiamat?'

The guy said..."aku tiada persiapan apa apa pun untuk hari kiamat"

Ustaz Don related that...bukan lah orang ini bukan yang tak solat 5 waktu dan tidak puasa and tidak mendirikan rukun Islam itu bila dia menjawab sedemekian....hadis ini menceritakan yang orang itu adalh orang yang melakukan itu semua TETAPI bila dia jawab dia tidak menyediakna apa apa unutk kiamat ...he meant that he tidak melakukan banyak perkara perkara yang sunat untuk diri dia..."

Habib zin, the last speaker was Habib Ali's teacher when he was studying in Darul Mustafa....Habib zin spoke lama jugak but one thing that I will just share here is when he said too many youngsters model them selves to the celebrities...from how they dress, how they talk, how they walk, how they comb their hair and all...BUT these are LOW LOW LOW benchmarks and models to follow when the best of all benchmarks and models are already laid for us by Prophet Mohamed..!
it is actually NOT difficult to follow him and it doesn't cost anything but just to take care of our heart.

okay...thats it...kalau ada the uploaded video nanti...


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