Tuesday, February 26, 2013


This lecture was delivered by Sheikh Afeefuddin on 19th Feb 2013 at Al Wariseen Trust : 

We have the best example in Saidina Rasulullah,

He once said : “..the best century is of that during my century…sahaba and tarbe’in, and tarbu-tarbe’in…they are the best of examples…”

Our lives nowadays are changing veru fas, it use to be our house have only one phone, one land line..and when some one is using it the others cannot use, we have to wait until that person finishes, but now its open, its free, we have Facebook, Twitter and otheres.…and these things can be use in two ways, like glass, it can be used for drinking water or for drink alcohol!
With this new lifestyle we have difficulty to live…it have become more difficult because we live with fitnah and family find it difficult to raise family…but during Saidina Rasullulah’s time the fitnah it even worse…”fitnah ad-deen”…people have more challenges with fitnah ad deen during his early time to spread ISLAM but ALHAMDULILLAH he and they manage to cross this fitnah…but our fitnah of this lives is actually small compared to those times..but yet we easiky succumb to it and loose our deen under this so called “better” lifestyle.

How they overcome the problems? their faith in HIM is stronger and they recognize the purity without existence of any doubt. this can only be develope with STRONGGG IMAN, throw away any from of doubt....create TRUST in HIM and HE will GIVE...unfortunately nowadays people are fond to say..."show me first and then I will trust"...with ALLAH, we shouldn't do like this.


since we are in the month of Rabi’ul AKHIR, we are celebrating the month because Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani – the SULTANS of AULIYA passed away on 11th of this month - Rabiul Akhir. We may ask ourselves “How he reach the level of maqam that he is…?”
It is said that Hazrat Sheikh I tried to go near ALLAH thru entering thru many “doors”…and whenever he try he finds see there are many doors, and even more are the many number of people at these “doors”, …doors of solat, hajj, fasting, doors of charity, of  sincerity and doors of good virtues,…these doors are crowded with people, however he notice there is a door with no one (little people) there…it’s a door of humility…and when he entered this “door” ..Allah Blessed me with great acceptance…because at that door you are his servant, you give everything away about yourself and only recognize that there is NOTHING but just HIM and you will gain from whatever grace that HE gives you and your humility save you from destruction. He said…”it is thru humbleness that ALLAH will help us…”
…to be continued…

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