Friday, March 27, 2015

Salaam Jumaat my family


The above was inspired by ALLAH upon me and I would like to take the blessings of Jumaat to pen something today for all my family members.

Usually I will find something good to copy paste from other groups but for this week I wish to pen my own words 

Every night ALLAH 'matikan' kita and every morning HE will 'hidupkan' kita kembali.

Generally we feel discomfit from the wake of our slumber but actually we should be very very thankful that we have been 'awoken'.

Sometimes we feel much displeasure when we are 'shaken' from our slumber by the noise that have shocked us into awakening. It could be a car horn from the neighbor, or the sudden cry of a baby or a window sill slapped into frame by a strong wind...! We become annoyed and agitated but actually we should immediately feel thankful for being able to 'awaken' again and live another minute of this temporal world.

HE awakens us not for us to continue to enjoy the pleasure of the world but that extra time of HIS earth is for us to continue to collect 'points' of amal and ibadah. 

For those who know this perspective, they will realize that the fardhu and the wajibs that HE has ordained upon us is NOT enough when on the day of reckoning comes .. for it is possible that all these will not count as good to save us from HELL fire.

So these kind of people will work on to do more than the fardhu and the wajibs and even strive to do the things that they don't like nor not accustomed to because it is hoped that the GESTURE will count and be accepted by HIM and be the savior from HELL's punishment. 

No longer will he do his / her deeds for mortal acceptance, acknowledgement or appreciation ... but instead he / she puts high 'rajak' value that HE accepts it.

That is how the above caption i posted above came about.

MUJAHADDAH is not only confined to things that you love doing and it doesn't have to mean doing something for someone you know and love only ...MUJAHADDAH is the action of doing something that will benefit even people you don't know and may not even care about... It is about doing it even when it doesn't give you any pleasure at all.

The seeking of pleasure is the work of Nafs and it is HIS PLEASURE that we should concern ourselves with.

may we give a reflection

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